How to Sign "In" in Sign Language

Understanding how to sign "in" is essential for effective communication with Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals, as it facilitates discussions about location, containment, or inclusion.

Signing "In"

  1. Handshape: Form the non-dominant hand in a flattened 'O' shape.
  2. Hand location: Bring the dominant hand near the non-dominant hand, which is held palm up and stationary.
  3. Movement: Move the dominant hand downward and inward, as if placing something into the non-dominant hand.
  4. Facial expression: Maintain a neutral facial expression, focusing on clarity of hand movements.

Fun Fact

If you’re in the west coast, like Ava's HQ is, now you know half of the sign for “In-n-out!”

Break Communication Barriers

Learn more signs on our regularly updated ASL page! As you're picking up sign language, try using Ava for more meaningful conversations with Deaf and hard-of-hearing people.