How To Sign "Yes" in Sign Language

Signing "yes" in American Sign Language (ASL) is straightforward and mirrors the head nodding motion of agreement. Here's how to sign "yes":

Directions for Signing Yes In Sign Language

  1. Hand Position: Start with your dominant hand forming an "S" handshape, which looks like a fist.
  2. Starting Placement: Hold the fist (your dominant hand) in front of you, about chin level.
  3. Movement: Move the fist up and down in a nodding motion, similar to how one nods their head to indicate "yes" or agreement. Typically, this is done a couple of times in a rhythmic manner.
  4. Facial Expression: Generally, you'll have a neutral or affirmative facial expression to match the meaning of the word. If you're emphasizing agreement, your facial expression might be more pronounced.


If you want to excitedly say yes, you can sign “Y”-”S” repeatedly

Learn how to sign "No" and "Maybe"

Break Communication Barriers

Learn more signs on our regularly updated ASL page! As you're picking up sign language, try using Ava for more meaningful conversations with Deaf and hard-of-hearing people.