How to Record Audio Only on Zoom

Want to have the option to playback just audio from a Zoom meeting? Well, you've come to the right place! Here's some quick steps on how you can record audio only on Zoom.

Note: This is only available for recordings saved to the cloud. In case you forgot, here's our quick refresher on how to record Zoom meetings.

How to Record Audio Only on Zoom

  1. Go to your Zoom profile
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Recording
  4. Scroll down to Cloud Recording and make sure it's toggled ON.
  5. Check Record audio-only files

How to Save Zoom Transcripts

Audio not useful to you? Are you a visual learner? Or Deaf or hard-of-hearing and need to save the transcript, rather than the audio recording?

Transcription by Zoom

When you save your recording to the cloud, you can change your settings to automatically generate a transcript that you can download with the entire recording package.

Note: Keep in mind that Zoom uses automation to transcribe and may not be very accurate. The transcript also cannot be edited until downloaded and put into a word processor.

Transcription by Ava

When you use Ava to transcribe your meeting, your transcript will automatically saved to the cloud. You can change these settings by selecting your profile > General Settings and adjusting from there.

Unlike Zoom automated captions, if you see any errors, you can correct them yourself or use an Ava Scribe to make corrections in real-time, so that the final transcript is accurate.

You also have the option to rename or edit the transcript, and can save to your computer in .pdf and .docx format! 

Interested in Ava for professional use?

Ava is the most affordable, high-quality captioning software available. Using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, captioning is easy-to-use and effective. Ava also offers the option to incorporate a human Scribe to ensure captions and transcripts are as accurate as humanly possible.

In addition to top software, our team of Ava experts provide excellent community support. From advocating for Deaf and hard-of-hearing teammates and classmates to ensuring seamless integration with administration, we're here to help foster inclusive environments for all!