How to Sign “Banana” in Sign Language

Bananas, with their vibrant yellow peel and sweet taste, are popular fruits enjoyed for their versatility and nutritional benefits. Knowing how to sign 'banana' in American Sign Language (ASL) can be a fun and engaging way to spark conversations about healthy eating habits or share favorite recipes with colleagues during small talk situations at work.

Signing “Banana”

  1. Hand shape: Form your non-dominant hand into a ‘1’ handshape. Form your dominant hand into a closed ‘L’ handshape, with your index finger and thumb touching.
  2. Hand location: Hold your hand to about chest level.
  3. Movement: Mimic the action of peeling a banana with your dominant hand.
  4. Facial expression: Keep a neutral facial expression.

Learn how to sign other fruits!

Break Communication Barriers

Learn more signs on our regularly updated ASL page! As you're picking up sign language, try using Ava for more meaningful conversations with Deaf and hard-of-hearing people.