Gallaudet University
Hearing Profile
Washington, District of Columbia
Lorenzo is a student at Gallaudet University.
So Ava has been really helpful, especially now recently with COVID and everything that's happening. So I'm home and I work from home and I want to develop my skills and I was thinking like, how do I do that? So I've been going to these workshops. For example, it's called "Skill Sharing" and it's typically heavy stuff, but I'm using it to develop my skills and a lot of the videos on the platform don't have closed captions. So I'm like, what do I do? So I've been using Ava and it helps a lot. Honestly, the first time I used Ava I have to admit- I was a little skeptical because, in my experience, different closed captioning services in the past don't have awesome captions. For example, YouTube their automatic captions- they're not the best, but Ava is really awesome quality and it helps make everything clear. So thank you so much for that!
My favorite thing about Ava is that in an environment or context where everyone is talking and like, for example, when I'm in a group of hearing friends, sometimes I'm curious what they're saying, what they're talking about. They talk so fast- back and forth that I totally miss out on everything. So one time, I had everyone on Ava and I look over at my phone and it was the full conversation on there. I could see what everyone was saying, I know who is saying what and then when I wanted to put my two cents in and I wanted to contribute to the conversation my opinion and my thoughts, I was surprised they were they knew what I was saying! Ava helps me a lot. That was one of the best things my favorite parts about Ava.