How to Sign "Color" in Sign Language

Colors are a vibrant language of their own, and in American Sign Language (ASL), expressing them is a vivid experience. When you sign "color," you're not just conveying a hue; you're painting a visual masterpiece.

Signing "Color"

  1. Hand Shape: To sign "color," use your dominant hand in an "open B" handshape, with your fingers together and your thumb extended.
  2. Sign Location: Position your hand on your chin, with your fingers pointing upward.
  3. Movement: Wiggle your fingers along your chin
  4. Facial Expression: Your facial expression should mirror the emotion or intensity of the color you're describing. For example, a bright smile for a vibrant color or a more subdued expression for a muted one.


ASL users often use this sign to describe the visual characteristics of objects or to express their favorite colors. It's a beautiful way to infuse conversations with a touch of creativity.

Learn more colors!

green | blue | purple | gray | white | pink | orange | yellow | red | black

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