With an ocean of 850,000 active podcasts with 30 million episodes, it’s not surprising that people begin, end, and break up their day listening to their favorite podcasts. Podcasts cover an endless variety of subjects, from daily news to Harry Potter to murder mysteries to songwriting to unusual dentistry. Yep, even that.
While podcasts capture millions of new listeners every year, much of the time, one group — Deaf and hard of hearing folks — isn’t afforded the opportunity to “listen” in.
Whether you’re Deaf or hard of hearing, or someone who prefers to read rather than listen (for a variety of reasons), you’ll want high-quality, captions of your favorite podcasts. While a few podcasts, like This American Life, Freakonomics, and Masters of Scale, already provide transcripts, the vast majority do not.
And even podcasts that offer captions don’t provide them in real time. And a lot of Deaf people complain that static transcripts aren’t as engaging as real-time captions. If you’re Deaf or hard of hearing, wouldn’t it be nice if the news in a news podcast was still newsworthy by the time you read it. And for most other podcasts, no doubt you still want timely delivery — they should be available to read immediately after broadcast.
With Ava CC, our desktop captioning app, you can see the words flow as the podcast streams. Podcast captioning is delivered in real time — as you deserve. Not only can you read the podcast as it’s being streamed, you can save it as a transcript to re-read later. The choice is yours.

That means your favorite podcasts are captioned instantly when you want them. Whether it’s Stuff You Should Know, My Favorite Murder, or a certain favorite of ours Loud & Clear (stay tuned, coming soon), you have endless options and endless access.
On your PC or Mac, take Ava & your favorite podcast out for a spin. Download the Ava desktop app and get the latest podcast delivered in real time.